History & events

Tuariki Delamere somersault jump

Turaiki Delamere was bold to try somersault technique in long jump. Though he had success, Olympics association banned the technique. Watch this interesting story. Reference: https://www.youtube.com/@thespinofftv https://www.youtube.com/@ATHLETICJUMPS . . . To view the content of this page you need to login or upgrade your account
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Trucker who came up with the best shipping innovation ever

Spirit of Boundaryless thinking is allowing oneself the permission to innovate and not being knocked down by the fear of not being an ‘expert. A classic story in history is that of Malcolm McLean, who changed the world of shipping with his innovation on using containers for shipping.What one could see…
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Small move, big impact to remember the heritage

There are several countries in the modern world which has completely a new identity and it becomes a challenge to ensure the current and future generations have awareness and value their heritage. Australia, one such country which acknowledges its traditional custodians  is always keen to respect its past, present and…
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Talent scouting lessons from Basketball

Identifying, attracting and retaining  the right talent is always high on the priority of all leading organizations. World Economic Forum in their commentary on Industry 4.0 have been calling out how the skills revolution will play a key role in shaping the economy. HR folks in organizations are always look…
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Making it too easy can backfire: Cake mix story

At times making it too easy can backfire! That’s what  General Mills, a famous US based  Food company uncovered when they were investigating the reasons as to why their Betty Crocker brand ‘Cake mix’ failed to generate sales. On analysis they found the following issues, – Women always took pride…
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Early bowerman waffle outsoles rectangle

Nike shoe sole inspired by waffle iron

Nike's co- founder,Bill Bowerman, who was a track and field coach at the time, had been searching for a way to make shoes lighter and faster. While he was working to find a solution to this problem, his chat with his wife over breakfast got him the inspiration to build…
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Gregor Mendel

Genetics inspired by Austrian monk and peas

You might have always wondered as to why only of your siblings had a sharp nose or wide ears? The answer to your question can be answered if you understand certain principles of heredity. The field of genetics has come a long way over the last decade or so. Business…
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Soccer Robot

Soccer robot inspired conveyor belt

German company, Celluveyor has invented a   conveying system with an omnidirectional drive technology for complex material handling tasks. Essentially, it is a conveyor belt with hexagon wheels which moves the materials in many directions and allows quick assembly. It removes the classic lean waste related to transportation and waiting time.…
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Potato King

Potato King who used curiosity to change people minds

In the 1700s, famine in Europe occurred regularly—crops failed and invading armies often stole or burned food. Frederick the Great of Prussia saw in the potato a solution. Highly filling and weather resistant, it was also a difficult crop to steal or destroy. But Prussians wouldn’t have it. Potato eating…
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Medici Family

Medici family: Inspiration to HR Managers

The Medici family, also known as the House of Medici, is said to be one of the most inflinfluential group in the Renaissance era. They first attained wealth and political power in Florence in the 13th century through its success in commerce and banking. The Medici’s had the vision and…
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