Elephant fatality and water shortage in high altitude solved

Using solutions from nature has time and again proven to be highly successful for problems posed by nature. Two interesting stories on how nature’s resources and engineering is put in action for solving interesting problems Plan Bee to avoid elephant fatalities According to the Wildlife Trust of India, train collisions

Comics make boring legal contracts interesting

William Edwards Deming, the famous quality guru once said,”in God we trust, rest bring data”. Though most would agree with him there in one topic where I am happy to challenge him and make a claim without data to back up- ‘More than 98% of people never read the terms

Soccer robot inspired conveyor belt

German company, Celluveyor has invented a   conveying system with an omnidirectional drive technology for complex material handling tasks. Essentially, it is a conveyor belt with hexagon wheels which moves the materials in many directions and allows quick assembly. It removes the classic lean waste related to transportation and waiting time.

Apple’s design thinking inspired by Picasso

Apple has religiously embodied the notion that function and beauty come from elegant simplicity, and teachers in its internal training program sometimes point to a collection of Picasso lithographs that artfully illustrate the drive to boil down an idea to its most essential components. That drive can be seen in

Customer Delight in Digital Age

Digital is the new norm for any business.Innovation fueled by digital solutions has disrupted several industries and continues to redefine the way customer is engaged is world dominated by smart devices. Banks are always in the forefront of digital innovations and are stepping up to offer services to delight the

Parcelpoint:Innovation in online retail delivery

Parcelpoint is a start up in Australia which has disrupted the online shopping delivery market.Parcelpoint has built a network of about 1100 convenience stores in every Australian capital to act as delivery points for online purchases . Parcelpoint’s  key customer segment is the busy professional who loves to purchase online