Disruption in People Practices

Disruption in business models is now all pervasive an no is immune to it.Is it time for disruption in the people practices as well ? May be yes going by some interesting people practices adopted by leading organisations.
‘Pay to Quit’ policy of Amazon Amazon
Amazon Chief, Jeff Bezos earlier in the year in his letter to shareholders shared some of the employee empowerment initiatives taken by the company.One among them was to test the employee interest and loyalty through the ‘pay to quit’ scheme.Under this scheme, employees are asked to reconsider their interest level to contribute to Amazon and even paid upto $5000 if they are interested to stay in.
Culture as strategic lever at The Physio Co
Recently came across a culture handbook of a small company which provides aged care physiotheraphy services.It was quite interesting to note how the right culture at work place creates great bonding and makes employees passionate about their work.Phsyio
I really liked this anecdote of an employee from the Culture book-
We get to work with the most interesting people on our planet. We help keep their bodies active and mobile and in return they keep our brains active and flexible. ( Terry Wesselink,TPCer since 2010)
Great way to share company’s vision.It is no surprise they won the 5th place in BRW Australia’s best places to work.
‘Break the rules’ employee handbook of ValveValve Handbook
A year ago the employee handbook from Valve , a gaming company vent viral. It attracted great attention for the way they have written the employee handbook challenging conventional wisdom. If you have missed it download a give it a quick read. Pick of the lot for me is summarised in the picture.

With many more organisations innovating with people practices , hopefully it augurs well for employees.

ResonVate thought
People practices through their new age thinking have some interesting ideas for business.

I would like to ResonVate
with ideas on people in the forefront
which can be applied in resource management, business communication
in areas like Financial services, Government, Healthcare,Manufacturing


  http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=97664&p=irol-reportsannual, http://tristanwhite.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/The-Physio-Co-Family-Culture-Book-2014-Final.pdf, www.amazon.com (logo), http://www.thephysioco.com.au(image), brw.com.au/lists/best-places-to-work/2013. http://www.valvesoftware.com/jobs/index.html

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