Sharing economy for social cause

Technology is now enabling the companies to allow their customers to be part of their social welfare efforts.Two such examples which has making waves are #Datadonate and the Rapid Rewards -points sharing program by Southwest airlines.
#Datadonate is an initiative from Swedish mobile operator Three in which leftover mobile data is turned into donations to benefit UNHCR’s work. It is  simple idea which allows the unutilised resource to the benefit of needy.

Southwest Airlines as part of their Rapid Rewards Frequent Flyer program
are allowing their customers to donate their frequent flyer points for SW Airlines- Donation Points
charities of their choice.

This program helps customers to contribute a portion of their flyer points to charity of their choice.

Resonvate Thought:

Mobile operators and airlines allow customers to donate mobile data and frequent flyer points for charities.

I would like to ResonVate
with ideas on for the common good, sharing economy
which can be applied in Trading, online marketplaces, treating patients
in areas like Food & Beverages, Healthcare & Lifesciences, Government
