
Smile per hour for healthy living

Science has proven the positive effect of smiling. Laughter therapy is popular amongst several age groups. Taking cue from this, the Australian municipality of Port Phillip launched a social cohesion project, smiles per Hour, to make neighborhoods friendlier. City of Port Philip in Melbourne, have put up ‘Smile per hour’…
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R U Ok? Simple words with Larger Meaning

R U OK is a simple campaign popular in Australia which promotes dialogue on mental health matters in family and friends. R U OK? inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with…
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Innovate to suit user habits

There are many challenges in our day to day life. Most of them can be solved by bringing a little change in human behavior and habits. But human behaviors and habits are not easy to change. Though there are several approaches and techniques to people change management, there are several…
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