
Assured Allies: Insuretech for aged

Mary is a 70-year-old retiree who has been living alone since her husband passed away. She has been worried about financing her aged life and has been considering moving to a nursing home. However, she is not comfortable with the idea of leaving her home, which holds many memories. Mary…
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Smart partnership for cancer diagnosis

Cancer is tough on individuals and families. While there is physical and mental side to battle out another dimensions which adds to the burden is the cost of diagnosis and treatment. But what if there was a way to detect cancer early, when it is most treatable, and reduce the…
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Digital Health Engagement with ‘Wheel of Health’

Insurance is no more sold on the principles of fear and love. The world of digitization has forced the Insurers to rethink their positioning and innovate on their core products. Insurance is now promoted as way for healthy living and using power of data insurers are relooking at what are…
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