London Underground,Shoes,Water Kettle and Plimsoll Line

In the mid 1800’s one of the biggest challenges of shipping was the loss of lives and material due to overloading of ships. The growing public concern on this matter finally made the British Parliament to take it seriously and find a solution.
Finally in 1875,a solution was implemented. The man who is now credited for coming up with a solution which saved and is still saving thousands of lives was a politician and social reformer named Samuel Plimsoll.

 Plimsoll Line

The Plimsoll line is a reference mark located on a ship’s hulPlimsoll Logol that indicates the maximum depth to which the vessel may be safely immersed when loaded with cargo. This depth varies with a ship’s dimensions, type of cargo, time of year, and the water densities encountered in port and at sea.

Other Inspirations

Plimsoll line has been inspiration for the line seen in PlimsollPlimsoll inspiration brand shoes.The line indicates the level beyond which shoe will get wet when used in water.
Though not confirmed, there is a belief that Plimsoll line was one of the inspiration for the famous  London Underground transport and also was leveraged in indicating the  safety levels used in water kettle.

Resonvate thought
Plimsoll line introduced to measure the maximum weight a ship can carry has helped to improve the design of several products which are not related to ships.

I would like to ResonVate
with ideas on service design, simplicity
which can be applied in product design, online shopping
in areas like Manufacturing, Government,Technology
