Improve Efficiency

Lights-off factory : Novel concept for other industries

 In the heart of China's bustling manufacturing landscape, a revolution is quietly unfolding. Imagine a factory where the lights are off, yet production never ceases. This is not a scene from a science fiction novel but a reality brought to life by "lights-off factory." Meet Ethan Lee, a production engineer…
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Trucker who came up with the best shipping innovation ever

Spirit of Boundaryless thinking is allowing oneself the permission to innovate and not being knocked down by the fear of not being an ‘expert. A classic story in history is that of Malcolm McLean, who changed the world of shipping with his innovation on using containers for shipping.What one could see…
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F1 inspired Healthcare practices

F1 for many is a world class sport and mega entertainment platform. However, things that happen  behind the scenes to make F1 a success is never analysed or given the right attention. When a group of health care surgeons and heathcare professionals were looking for ideas to improve their practices,…
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Swarm intelligence to solve business problems

Everyday businesses are flooded with the need to make all sorts of decisions - strategic, operational and tactical .Many of these decisions are taken by business managers or leaders who may or may not always follow a popular view for that particular decision. Have you ever looked into how  nature…
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Early bowerman waffle outsoles rectangle

Nike shoe sole inspired by waffle iron

Nike's co- founder,Bill Bowerman, who was a track and field coach at the time, had been searching for a way to make shoes lighter and faster. While he was working to find a solution to this problem, his chat with his wife over breakfast got him the inspiration to build…
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Gold mining challenge

Linux inspired gold mining challenge

Open source software has come a long way since the Linux revolution. Back in 90s, it was such a unorthodox and powerful concept to make software free challenging the big proprietary software firms. Today, RedHat  a company specialising in open source IT products today is a classic example of how…
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Soccer Robot

Soccer robot inspired conveyor belt

German company, Celluveyor has invented a   conveying system with an omnidirectional drive technology for complex material handling tasks. Essentially, it is a conveyor belt with hexagon wheels which moves the materials in many directions and allows quick assembly. It removes the classic lean waste related to transportation and waiting time.…
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Elevating performance through elevator innovations

We all know how elevators are quintessential feature of our day to day lives. Beyond their functional use, the innovations developed by elevator industry can act as a true inspiration to many other disciplines. It is estimated that typically 40% of energy in the world is consumed by buildings and…
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