Identifying a need

Using advocacy to grow market share

Gaining market share in a crowded market place is never easy. Companies across different categories tackle them differently using innovation in marketing, service, packaging, pricing etc. But how about using advocacy as your strategy? Yes, that is what the The Female Social Network (TFSN) did to tackle an interesting problem.…
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Dial before you dig call-811

Dial before you dig

Dial before you dig (DBYD) is mostly free public service provided by many utilities or consortium of utilities (power, water, gas, telcos) to provide clear advice on the assets that might be impacted when someone wants to dig. This service helps lot of contractors, home owners, service providers to assess…
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Innovative Fitness program

F45 training: Innovative fitness program design

Do you know a Australian owned fitness center is one of the fastest growing franchisee and its growth is compared to the likes of McDonalds and Subway. Yes, that is F45 training. F45 Training is a global fitness training community specializing in innovative, high intensity group workouts which are fast,…
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Chilean Money

Chilean second currency model to tackle inflation

Chile is one of the country credited with inventing a second currency as a means to tackle their growing inflation. The Unidad de Fomento (UF) is a Unit of account that is used in Chile. The exchange rate between the UF and the Chilean peso is now (today) constantly adjusted…
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Dr. Werner Forssmann

Cardiac catheterization inspired by horse and literature

Heart patients worldwide owe a lot to Dr. Werner Forssmann. In the late 1920s, the medical community knew little about how to treat heart ailments. Instead, most of what we knew about hearts came from studying cadavers. Forssmann was inspired by a textbook that featured a tube entering the heart…
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Co-Constructing innovation for Resilience

What happens when two global industry leaders join hands to solve a  problem ? One would expect that, – the problem to be solved has to be complex and gigantic – the solution has to be innovative. That’s what has exactly happened when the large reinsurance companies SwissRe and one…
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Non Damage Business Interruption:Reinsurance Innovation

Reinsurance is the business of insuring the insurance companies.These companies generally are in the forefront of understanding the global economic changes and have a great understanding of the risks. The leaders in the industry are the likes of Munich Re, Swiss Re and Zurich. Reinsurance companies for years have focused…
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Sports Simulations: Big data lessons for corporates

The field of sports always has fascinating things to offer – not just on the field but also off the field. There are several sports innovations today which can provide the corporates with several good practices. One such innovation that can be taken from the sports field to the board…
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Parcelpoint:Innovation in online retail delivery

Parcelpoint is a start up in Australia which has disrupted the online shopping delivery market.Parcelpoint has built a network of about 1100 convenience stores in every Australian capital to act as delivery points for online purchases . Parcelpoint’s  key customer segment is the busy professional who loves to purchase online…
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