Healthcare & Life sciences

F1 inspired Healthcare practices

F1 for many is a world class sport and mega entertainment platform. However, things that happen  behind the scenes to make F1 a success is never analysed or given the right attention. When a group of health care surgeons and heathcare professionals were looking for ideas to improve their practices,…
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Artificial voice box device supported by toy maker

Art has inspired several engineering wonders at mammoth scales. However, the innovation story of a toy maker, helping a Doctor to create an surgical device for helping  throat cancer patients is something really incredible. Dr.Vishal Rao, an oncologist based in Bangalore wanted to do something about the high cost incurred…
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Task Shifting to tackle medical emergencies

Attracting and retaining talent is always a key challenge for all industries. The challenge gets amplified when dealing with skill shortages in  emergency health workers and the region under discussion in African countries. Ethiopia understanding the gravity of the problem is using ‘Task Shifting’ as a prudent innovative approach to…
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Price menu for healthcare services: Unheard but possible

Whenever we purchase something online or in the market, we look for features, quality and most importantly pricing. In case of online purchase, transparency in pricing is a must have. And, there is whole lot of pricing comparison sites and innovations happening in aggregation platforms. Can we imagine the same…
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Gregor Mendel

Genetics inspired by Austrian monk and peas

You might have always wondered as to why only of your siblings had a sharp nose or wide ears? The answer to your question can be answered if you understand certain principles of heredity. The field of genetics has come a long way over the last decade or so. Business…
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Dr. Werner Forssmann

Cardiac catheterization inspired by horse and literature

Heart patients worldwide owe a lot to Dr. Werner Forssmann. In the late 1920s, the medical community knew little about how to treat heart ailments. Instead, most of what we knew about hearts came from studying cadavers. Forssmann was inspired by a textbook that featured a tube entering the heart…
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