
Kairos: Ancient Greek lessons for persuasion

Ancient Greek literature and customs has lot to teach us about effective communication . In our personal and professional lives, there are many events where even the right messages which we wanted to convey backfires due to wrong timing. The Greeks call this as Kairos. Kairos refers to the timing…
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Beuchet Chair Effect : Changing Perceptions

There are different theories and tools used to persuade people by changing their perceptions to agree on a idea/topic/act. Beuchet Chair is one such  illusion theory which could provide could interesting insights on persuasion. In the Beuchet Chair effect, the seat of the chair is at a distance from its…
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Sharing and Collaboration Economy : You just can’t ignore!

Sharing economy and collaborative consumption is all pervasive across countries and across industries.While there has been lot written and spoken about the big innovations stories like Uber, Airbnb there are lot more interesting patterns which could help us to improve our Resonvate thinking. Few interesting patterns on how the sharing…
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Sports Simulations: Big data lessons for corporates

The field of sports always has fascinating things to offer – not just on the field but also off the field. There are several sports innovations today which can provide the corporates with several good practices. One such innovation that can be taken from the sports field to the board…
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More for the Less:M-Kopa and Indian Soccer League

Innovations has different dimensions; one such dimension is using the more to address the less. In this approach,resources/ solutions which are in abundance are used as a lever to find solutions for the areas where there is a huge shortage. Two such recent examples are M-Kopa and the Indian Soccer…
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Powershop:Making utilities exciting to customers

Customers for water, gas and power utilities are omnipresent and the utilities companies over the years have been coming up with different innovation ideas to engage with customers to make a difference. However customer experience in context of utilities is still not exciting as one could have in telcos or…
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Disruption in People Practices

Disruption in business models is now all pervasive an no is immune to it.Is it time for disruption in the people practices as well ? May be yes going by some interesting people practices adopted by leading organisations. ‘Pay to Quit’ policy of Amazon  Amazon Chief, Jeff Bezos earlier in…
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Fosbury Flop:Changing the rules of the game

Richard Douglas “Dick” Fosbury (born March 6, 1947) is one of the most influential athletes in the history of track and field. He revolutionized the high jump event, inventing a unique “back-first” technique, now known as the Fosbury Flop, adopted by almost all high jumpers today. His method was to…
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Parcelpoint:Innovation in online retail delivery

Parcelpoint is a start up in Australia which has disrupted the online shopping delivery market.Parcelpoint has built a network of about 1100 convenience stores in every Australian capital to act as delivery points for online purchases . Parcelpoint’s  key customer segment is the busy professional who loves to purchase online…
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