Capability Group

Japan’s Future Lab creates IKEA like experience in agedcare

Customers who have bought from IKEA , will be familiar with the way the IKEA stores sell through a living experience than selling product features. A ideal living room is presented with different configuration of products providing ideas for customers to choose their products of choice. Japan's Future Care Lab…
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Greencare Homes for semi-urban and rural population

With great advances in technology comes the great gift of living longer. The other side of this equation is the challenge of caring for the ageing population. Aged care models has different types of care from self-managed care to caring for people with chronic illness. Netherlands has been in the…
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Integrating wellness at the point of work

Bundling complementary services has always been a strategy adopted by different business to increase their positioning with new customer segments. Mobile phone with accessory is a classic example. This established strategy becomes innovative when organizations find interesting propositions to up-sell and cross- sell services along with partner products. Large Australian…
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Getsafe insurance – Catch them young and grow with them

Selling insurance to young and healthy is like selling ice cream in Antarctica. It is never easy. However, the old phrase ‘catch’em young' holds true when it comes to Insurance. This is where a modern Insurtech firm is using that its core philosophy and is offering products catered to the…
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Promoting wellness insurance and not sickness insurance

Fear, love and safety has been traditionally the themes under which Insurance companies have marketed their products for decades. For the new age customer, that positioning doesn’t work anymore. Invariably insurance is now sold as a positive reinforcement needed to live a disease free and healthy life. Vitality has been…
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Phygital approach to make subscription model sticky

Apps are integral part of digital economy and heavily relies on users constantly engaging with the apps. However, with proliferation of apps there is severe competition to get the ‘attention of a user’. This is where innovative hybrid models are coming together to use phygital = physical+ digital, to create…
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Digital Energy specialist with new operating model

‘You have a issue. You call a call center. They do first triage and put you on hold and make you wait in a queue for specialist to resolve or even worse ask you to call some other number’. Sounds familiar! Business Operations and support have been traditionally built around…
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Digital Health Engagement with ‘Wheel of Health’

Insurance is no more sold on the principles of fear and love. The world of digitization has forced the Insurers to rethink their positioning and innovate on their core products. Insurance is now promoted as way for healthy living and using power of data insurers are relooking at what are…
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French repairability index- Right to repair

Sustainability is the #1 priority for governments and business alike. There are lot of product and service innovations which promote the concepts of circular economy – reduce, reuse, recycle. One key aspects aligned to this thinking id REPAIR. France has been leading the way through its world’s first Right to…
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